Included below are the many individuals who have produced music with The DNA Vibrator, and what they are doing now.
The Vehicles of The DNA Vibrator
The bands which have been vehicles of The DNA Vibrator include the Nightsoil Coolies, Monster Truck, Crank, and The DNA Vibrators.
The Nightsoil Coolies:

Drums: AfroDJYak
Bass: The DNA Vibrator
Guitar 1: Gone Brian Vaughan
Guitar 2: Fish
Vocals: The DNA Vibrator, Gone Brian Vaughan, Fish, AfroDJYak
Monster Truck (formerly Satan's Monster Truck):

Drums: Ralph
Bass: The DNA Vibrator
Guitar 1: Gone Brian Vaughan
Guitar 2: Fish
Vocals: Gone Brian Vaughan, The DNA Vibrator, Fish

Drums: Ralph
Bass: The DNA Vibrator
Guitar 1: The Reverend
Guitar 2: The Hand of God Attachment
vocals: The Reverend, The DNA Vibrator, The Hand of God Attachment
The DNA Vibrators:

Drums: AfroDJYak/Mr. Kamikaze
Bass: The DNA Vibrator
Guitar 1: The DNA Vibrator
Guitar 2: The Hand of God Attachment
Vocals: The DNA Vibrator, The Hand of God Attachment
Computer: Mac Daddy
Computer Operator: AMiCO
Funk: Carlito
AfroDJYak/Mr. Kamikaze
The first shot is of AfroDJYak/Mr. Kamikaze, when he was young and innocent. Before the incident with the priest. Judas Priest, that is! The second shot is him stuck with the DNA Vibrator til the end. Note the look in his eyes---its the resignation of the damned.

BIO: AfroDJYak, or more recently christened Mr. Kamikaze. AKA "Tony;" "Aim-One;" "Bony;" "Reuben." Among many others.
AfroDJYak is perhaps the best naturally talented drummer The DNA Vibrator has played with. His Dad was a jazz drummer. The current set of drums he plays was his father's. At one time, the flower pattern on his old drum set matched one of his cars. AfroDJYak might not have picked up those sticks those many years ago if The DNA Vibrator hadn't continually pestered him.
Bands: The Watch, 1987-1988; The Nightsoil Coolies, 1988-1991; The Blue Meanies, 1991-1995; Skorbica, 1994-1995; The J. Davis Trio, 1996-1999; Taylor, 1996-2000; The DNA Vibrators, 1995-present; Nonagon, 2003-present. AfroDJYak has appeared on many recordings and with artists and producers as varied as Norah Jones and Steve Albini. Yes, he actually is pretty damned good.
Current projects: running a skateboard distribution business, raising Bruno and Isabella with his lovely wife Annie; Nonagon, a band; cars, especially his tricked out Volvo wagon. No joke.
Turn ons: Skateboards, skateboarding, cool cars, playing out live.
Turn offs: Hates it when freeloaders stay at his house just because they think they are friends.
The DNA Vibrator
The first picture is from a show done with Crank. Note the lime green spider of a bass guitar. Now you can see The DNA Vibrator has favored that color for a long time. It is the color of poison, disorder, and cool black light effects. The DNA Vibrator made this bass, along with many others, several years ago. It was sold to further the tool's annoying habit of having to eat. The second picture is from the infamous 4th of July, 2005 bash at Craig and Bert's. The DNA Vibrator is "grey, fat and older." [lyrics from the song, a "Fistful of Cleveland"]. However, The DNA Vibrator, like John Henry, who knew he was obsolete, still keeps fucking pounding away at that bass. The DNA Vibrator also made this bass. It was the first, and best, one. Originally black, refinished gold for this show.

BIO: The DNA Vibrator. AKA "The Professor;" "Rocket;" "The Tool."
Classically trained at a young age, the tool turned down scholarships to prestigious music schools. The tool taught himself to play on an old Kay upright double bass. Rock and roll has since bled out any real proficiency on the instrument, but The DNA Vibrator works with what little talent the tool has.
Bands: The Rage, 1981-1984; The Watch, 1987-1988; The Nightsoil Coolies, 1988-1991; Monster Truck, 1991-1993; Crank, 1993-1997; The DNA Vibrators, 1995-present, The Akkademiks, 2007-present. Also guested on unreleased work of the band, IT, with Scott Munson, Todd Freeman, and Bill Lancaster.
Current projects: building three children, a domicile, and a marriage; the continued expression of the DNA Vibrator; The Akkademiks.
Turn ons: Chaos, disorder, tension. Extremely loud low frequency noise.
Turn offs: Being ticketed for stereo violations; crashing a car and being late for a gig. Becoming a computer geek.
Gone Brian Vaughan
Brian pictured ripping it up during the very last show the Coolies played, at Gatsby's, in Carbondale, in the spring of 1991.

BIO: Gone Brian Vaughan. AKA "Brian;" "Brain;" "The Song Engine."
Bri was the poetic glue which held the Coolies together. He had a natural turn of phrase and effable ease which made him friend to many, enemy to none. Brian put up with a lot of crap from The DNA Vibrator while in the Coolies and Monster Truck, and the resulitng guilt has made The DNA Vibrator publicily point that out ever since the band split.
Bands: The Nightsoil Coolies, 1988-1991; Monster Truck, 1991-1993; Girls With Tools, 1993-1995; Slippery Jill, 1996-1998; The Baltimores, 1998-2000.
Current projects: New house, wonderful children and wife, Jennie. The DNA Vibrator has never really known what Brian does, but it is sure he does it pretty damn well.
Turn ons: BV, help me out.
Turn offs: Ditto.
Fish was elusive. There were few pictures given to The DNA Vibrator which featured him. This was one. If you have photos of fish in action, send them here.

BIO: Fish. AKA "Fish."
Fish was in several bands in the Decatur area, and then moved to Carbondale to school. Because the Coolies knew of Fish through Brian, and through their friendship with Charlie, Tom and Eric of the band, Tea Party, they knew that Fish was a great guitar player and singer. So, when Fish got settled into school, the Coolies pretty much told him that he was in the band. The Coolies had kicked themselves for not snapping up Jim Coolie (no relation) when he had left his former band, and were not going to let another top notch guitarist get away.
Bands: The Eyrie Gators, 1988-1990; The Nightsoil Coolies, 1990-1991; Monster Truck, 1991-1993; The Ticks, 1993-1995.
Current projects: Wonderful family, internet business. Fish, give me more stuff to work with here.
Turn ons: Fish, help me out.
Turn offs: Ditto.
The Reverend
This is Spurt circa 1993-94, with his beautiful Rickenbacher. Usually this pose meant that he had a lot to drink, that he was making kick-ass noise, and at any moment, he was going to get a drumstick or a beer bottle and start going crazy on that purty red guitar.

BIO: The Reverend. AKA "Scott;" "Scotch;" "Scotty;" "Spurt;" "Furt."
Spurt, part Aztec, part sand pit volleyball champ, part Vonnegut, and part Hunter S. Thompson. He was also part of one of Carbondale's finest, the band 138. Before forming Crank, Spurt and The DNA Vibrator fervently worked on Thomas Pynchon novels in school and on an attempt to play The Minutmen's "Double Nickles on a Dime" in its entirety. This led to a partnership with Ralph, and before long, Dave completed the foursome, and Crank was born. Spurt has long wandered through the groves of academe, cuz that's where all the pussy is.
Bands: 138, 1987-1990; Crank, 1993-1997.
Current projects: a new baby, a new house in a new town, and a new job; continues to showcase his amazing writing skills at places like 100 Words. Still plays. Most recent muscial work: a contribution to a cancer society benefit CD with the help of his old pals the Hand of God Attachment and The DNA Vibrator, and wunderkind drummer, Bill Lancaster. Hear a bit of his work on IT's album, "Order Through Chaos." Spurt is the webmaster for the CRANK myspace page.
Turn ons: Books, booze, and ass.
Turn offs: Bills, bum knees, and assholes.
The Hand of God Attachment
This picture shows Dave in the full glory of the Hand of God Attachment. This picture, too, was from the infamous 4th of July 2005 party. A reunion, of sorts, a farewell, too, as more of the old band has taken to the winds. This picture also features Dave's Washburn guitar which was the same beast heard on the song, "God Made Us Funky." The second picture is Dave circa 1994, at the Cabaret Metro in Chicago.

BIO: The Hand of God Attachment. AKA "Dave."
Dave is one of those musicians who actually has talent. Trained on classical guitar at the SIU school of music under the tutelage of Joseph Breznikar, one of the living masters. Thank God that Dave likes alcohol and Judas Priest, or Carbondale would never have been blessed by his sick gift. Never one for guitar pyrotechnics, but able to produce it when he wants, The Hand of God Attachment works best in subtle ways. Once, while playing a show in Crank, someone asked if the band knew more than three chords. Dave said, "I know several hundred, but that's not the point."
Bands: Nice boys From Good Homes, 138, Crank, Girls With Tools, The DNA Vibrators (many others---Dave has to help The DNA Vibrator fill this in---Dave is a guitar whore, and all of the bands from Carbondale are his johns).
Current projects: a wonderful family; teaching guitar to children; managing a home rentals business; guesting on the super-double-top-secrect project The DNA Vibrator is working on.
Turn ons: ? Dave, The DNA Vibrator needs your help with this.
Turn offs: ? ditto.
Ralph in action at the 4th of July 2005 reunion show. Ralph was always known for the sound pressure he generated from his drums. He hit them harder than just about any other drummer The DNA Vibrator has had the luck to play with. Since Ralph had to compete with three others who loved their stage volume loud, it made for a perfect match.

BIO: Ralph. AKA "Ralph."
Ralph was part of one of the first and best of the '90's Carbondale bands, Fusebox. Ralph is steeped in the old blues tradition, and although Crank rarely dipped into that tradition directly, Ralph's sensibility allowed the other twisted fuckers to go off in many different directions.
Bands: Fusebox, Crank, Fingercuff, and Electric Honey.
Current projects: He and his wonderful wife are expecting a baby; Ralph continues to write music and play in the band Electric Honey; Ralph also has a real job as a university professor.
Turn ons: Sunn Records, Mussel Shoals, Southern blues and rock (Ralph, email the rest!)
Turn offs: Big fuckin' hurricanes which destroy the city you love.
The Nightsoil Coolies
The Nightsoil Coolies reaped the benefit of being around a bunch of artistic people. This picture and many others were taken by Annie, who not only had the knack of taking good pictures of things, but also had the patience to work with the Coolies. She liked them so much, she married the drummer. This picture was taken in Carbondale, in 1988, in front of the Coolies' house on Forest Street. Below that is a flyer for one of their shows.
Gone Brian Vaughan--------AfroDJYak----------The DNA Vibrator

Monster Truck
Monster Truck was kind of an interim band, although they produced many terrific songs which stand on their own. However, the band never had a press kit, per se, so there were few pictures of them in The DNA Vibrator's possession. However, the tool still kept some of the band's flyers.

CRANK in its top form, circa 1994. On a flyer made by The DNA Vibrator, There was a caption above each person:
The DNA Vibrator--The Hand of God Attachment--The Reverend--Ralph

Where's my dick?---I'm the Manson-like Savior figure--Meanness is hip, so fuck you----I'm really uncomfortable with this
The DNA Vibrators
No one took pictures of The DNA Vibrators when they were actually playing, because they were stunned, too transfixed to actually snap the shutter of a camera. So, in place of a live shot of the band, The DNA Vibrator presents the graphic off of the cover of the first release of The DNA Vibrators, Twin Rockets Are A Go, Baby!

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The Vehicles of The DNA Vibrator
The bands which have been vehicles of The DNA Vibrator include the Nightsoil Coolies, Monster Truck, Crank, and The DNA Vibrators.
The Nightsoil Coolies:

Drums: AfroDJYak
Bass: The DNA Vibrator
Guitar 1: Gone Brian Vaughan
Guitar 2: Fish
Vocals: The DNA Vibrator, Gone Brian Vaughan, Fish, AfroDJYak
Monster Truck (formerly Satan's Monster Truck):

Drums: Ralph
Bass: The DNA Vibrator
Guitar 1: Gone Brian Vaughan
Guitar 2: Fish
Vocals: Gone Brian Vaughan, The DNA Vibrator, Fish

Drums: Ralph
Bass: The DNA Vibrator
Guitar 1: The Reverend
Guitar 2: The Hand of God Attachment
vocals: The Reverend, The DNA Vibrator, The Hand of God Attachment
The DNA Vibrators:

Drums: AfroDJYak/Mr. Kamikaze
Bass: The DNA Vibrator
Guitar 1: The DNA Vibrator
Guitar 2: The Hand of God Attachment
Vocals: The DNA Vibrator, The Hand of God Attachment
Computer: Mac Daddy
Computer Operator: AMiCO
Funk: Carlito
AfroDJYak/Mr. Kamikaze
The first shot is of AfroDJYak/Mr. Kamikaze, when he was young and innocent. Before the incident with the priest. Judas Priest, that is! The second shot is him stuck with the DNA Vibrator til the end. Note the look in his eyes---its the resignation of the damned.

BIO: AfroDJYak, or more recently christened Mr. Kamikaze. AKA "Tony;" "Aim-One;" "Bony;" "Reuben." Among many others.
AfroDJYak is perhaps the best naturally talented drummer The DNA Vibrator has played with. His Dad was a jazz drummer. The current set of drums he plays was his father's. At one time, the flower pattern on his old drum set matched one of his cars. AfroDJYak might not have picked up those sticks those many years ago if The DNA Vibrator hadn't continually pestered him.
Bands: The Watch, 1987-1988; The Nightsoil Coolies, 1988-1991; The Blue Meanies, 1991-1995; Skorbica, 1994-1995; The J. Davis Trio, 1996-1999; Taylor, 1996-2000; The DNA Vibrators, 1995-present; Nonagon, 2003-present. AfroDJYak has appeared on many recordings and with artists and producers as varied as Norah Jones and Steve Albini. Yes, he actually is pretty damned good.
Current projects: running a skateboard distribution business, raising Bruno and Isabella with his lovely wife Annie; Nonagon, a band; cars, especially his tricked out Volvo wagon. No joke.
Turn ons: Skateboards, skateboarding, cool cars, playing out live.
Turn offs: Hates it when freeloaders stay at his house just because they think they are friends.
The DNA Vibrator
The first picture is from a show done with Crank. Note the lime green spider of a bass guitar. Now you can see The DNA Vibrator has favored that color for a long time. It is the color of poison, disorder, and cool black light effects. The DNA Vibrator made this bass, along with many others, several years ago. It was sold to further the tool's annoying habit of having to eat. The second picture is from the infamous 4th of July, 2005 bash at Craig and Bert's. The DNA Vibrator is "grey, fat and older." [lyrics from the song, a "Fistful of Cleveland"]. However, The DNA Vibrator, like John Henry, who knew he was obsolete, still keeps fucking pounding away at that bass. The DNA Vibrator also made this bass. It was the first, and best, one. Originally black, refinished gold for this show.

BIO: The DNA Vibrator. AKA "The Professor;" "Rocket;" "The Tool."
Classically trained at a young age, the tool turned down scholarships to prestigious music schools. The tool taught himself to play on an old Kay upright double bass. Rock and roll has since bled out any real proficiency on the instrument, but The DNA Vibrator works with what little talent the tool has.
Bands: The Rage, 1981-1984; The Watch, 1987-1988; The Nightsoil Coolies, 1988-1991; Monster Truck, 1991-1993; Crank, 1993-1997; The DNA Vibrators, 1995-present, The Akkademiks, 2007-present. Also guested on unreleased work of the band, IT, with Scott Munson, Todd Freeman, and Bill Lancaster.
Current projects: building three children, a domicile, and a marriage; the continued expression of the DNA Vibrator; The Akkademiks.
Turn ons: Chaos, disorder, tension. Extremely loud low frequency noise.
Turn offs: Being ticketed for stereo violations; crashing a car and being late for a gig. Becoming a computer geek.
Gone Brian Vaughan
Brian pictured ripping it up during the very last show the Coolies played, at Gatsby's, in Carbondale, in the spring of 1991.

BIO: Gone Brian Vaughan. AKA "Brian;" "Brain;" "The Song Engine."
Bri was the poetic glue which held the Coolies together. He had a natural turn of phrase and effable ease which made him friend to many, enemy to none. Brian put up with a lot of crap from The DNA Vibrator while in the Coolies and Monster Truck, and the resulitng guilt has made The DNA Vibrator publicily point that out ever since the band split.
Bands: The Nightsoil Coolies, 1988-1991; Monster Truck, 1991-1993; Girls With Tools, 1993-1995; Slippery Jill, 1996-1998; The Baltimores, 1998-2000.
Current projects: New house, wonderful children and wife, Jennie. The DNA Vibrator has never really known what Brian does, but it is sure he does it pretty damn well.
Turn ons: BV, help me out.
Turn offs: Ditto.
Fish was elusive. There were few pictures given to The DNA Vibrator which featured him. This was one. If you have photos of fish in action, send them here.

BIO: Fish. AKA "Fish."
Fish was in several bands in the Decatur area, and then moved to Carbondale to school. Because the Coolies knew of Fish through Brian, and through their friendship with Charlie, Tom and Eric of the band, Tea Party, they knew that Fish was a great guitar player and singer. So, when Fish got settled into school, the Coolies pretty much told him that he was in the band. The Coolies had kicked themselves for not snapping up Jim Coolie (no relation) when he had left his former band, and were not going to let another top notch guitarist get away.
Bands: The Eyrie Gators, 1988-1990; The Nightsoil Coolies, 1990-1991; Monster Truck, 1991-1993; The Ticks, 1993-1995.
Current projects: Wonderful family, internet business. Fish, give me more stuff to work with here.
Turn ons: Fish, help me out.
Turn offs: Ditto.
The Reverend
This is Spurt circa 1993-94, with his beautiful Rickenbacher. Usually this pose meant that he had a lot to drink, that he was making kick-ass noise, and at any moment, he was going to get a drumstick or a beer bottle and start going crazy on that purty red guitar.

BIO: The Reverend. AKA "Scott;" "Scotch;" "Scotty;" "Spurt;" "Furt."
Spurt, part Aztec, part sand pit volleyball champ, part Vonnegut, and part Hunter S. Thompson. He was also part of one of Carbondale's finest, the band 138. Before forming Crank, Spurt and The DNA Vibrator fervently worked on Thomas Pynchon novels in school and on an attempt to play The Minutmen's "Double Nickles on a Dime" in its entirety. This led to a partnership with Ralph, and before long, Dave completed the foursome, and Crank was born. Spurt has long wandered through the groves of academe, cuz that's where all the pussy is.
Bands: 138, 1987-1990; Crank, 1993-1997.
Current projects: a new baby, a new house in a new town, and a new job; continues to showcase his amazing writing skills at places like 100 Words. Still plays. Most recent muscial work: a contribution to a cancer society benefit CD with the help of his old pals the Hand of God Attachment and The DNA Vibrator, and wunderkind drummer, Bill Lancaster. Hear a bit of his work on IT's album, "Order Through Chaos." Spurt is the webmaster for the CRANK myspace page.
Turn ons: Books, booze, and ass.
Turn offs: Bills, bum knees, and assholes.
The Hand of God Attachment
This picture shows Dave in the full glory of the Hand of God Attachment. This picture, too, was from the infamous 4th of July 2005 party. A reunion, of sorts, a farewell, too, as more of the old band has taken to the winds. This picture also features Dave's Washburn guitar which was the same beast heard on the song, "God Made Us Funky." The second picture is Dave circa 1994, at the Cabaret Metro in Chicago.

BIO: The Hand of God Attachment. AKA "Dave."
Dave is one of those musicians who actually has talent. Trained on classical guitar at the SIU school of music under the tutelage of Joseph Breznikar, one of the living masters. Thank God that Dave likes alcohol and Judas Priest, or Carbondale would never have been blessed by his sick gift. Never one for guitar pyrotechnics, but able to produce it when he wants, The Hand of God Attachment works best in subtle ways. Once, while playing a show in Crank, someone asked if the band knew more than three chords. Dave said, "I know several hundred, but that's not the point."
Bands: Nice boys From Good Homes, 138, Crank, Girls With Tools, The DNA Vibrators (many others---Dave has to help The DNA Vibrator fill this in---Dave is a guitar whore, and all of the bands from Carbondale are his johns).
Current projects: a wonderful family; teaching guitar to children; managing a home rentals business; guesting on the super-double-top-secrect project The DNA Vibrator is working on.
Turn ons: ? Dave, The DNA Vibrator needs your help with this.
Turn offs: ? ditto.
Ralph in action at the 4th of July 2005 reunion show. Ralph was always known for the sound pressure he generated from his drums. He hit them harder than just about any other drummer The DNA Vibrator has had the luck to play with. Since Ralph had to compete with three others who loved their stage volume loud, it made for a perfect match.

BIO: Ralph. AKA "Ralph."
Ralph was part of one of the first and best of the '90's Carbondale bands, Fusebox. Ralph is steeped in the old blues tradition, and although Crank rarely dipped into that tradition directly, Ralph's sensibility allowed the other twisted fuckers to go off in many different directions.
Bands: Fusebox, Crank, Fingercuff, and Electric Honey.
Current projects: He and his wonderful wife are expecting a baby; Ralph continues to write music and play in the band Electric Honey; Ralph also has a real job as a university professor.
Turn ons: Sunn Records, Mussel Shoals, Southern blues and rock (Ralph, email the rest!)
Turn offs: Big fuckin' hurricanes which destroy the city you love.
The Nightsoil Coolies
The Nightsoil Coolies reaped the benefit of being around a bunch of artistic people. This picture and many others were taken by Annie, who not only had the knack of taking good pictures of things, but also had the patience to work with the Coolies. She liked them so much, she married the drummer. This picture was taken in Carbondale, in 1988, in front of the Coolies' house on Forest Street. Below that is a flyer for one of their shows.
Gone Brian Vaughan--------AfroDJYak----------The DNA Vibrator

Monster Truck
Monster Truck was kind of an interim band, although they produced many terrific songs which stand on their own. However, the band never had a press kit, per se, so there were few pictures of them in The DNA Vibrator's possession. However, the tool still kept some of the band's flyers.

CRANK in its top form, circa 1994. On a flyer made by The DNA Vibrator, There was a caption above each person:
The DNA Vibrator--The Hand of God Attachment--The Reverend--Ralph

Where's my dick?---I'm the Manson-like Savior figure--Meanness is hip, so fuck you----I'm really uncomfortable with this
The DNA Vibrators
No one took pictures of The DNA Vibrators when they were actually playing, because they were stunned, too transfixed to actually snap the shutter of a camera. So, in place of a live shot of the band, The DNA Vibrator presents the graphic off of the cover of the first release of The DNA Vibrators, Twin Rockets Are A Go, Baby!

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