DNA has been writing all weekend long, and yet it feels like weeks since the last time he has seen this website. DNA has been busy. In the last couple of days, DNA finished uploading all the content from the previous website to this one, he updated a work related website, he updated a community related website, and started a family blog, called "American Girthic." If you are really interested in the non-musically related parts of DNA's life, then you can check it out HERE. It isn't all that. In fact, after posting there a few times, it is exactly what the title implies: American Gothic, except fatter.
However, having that outlet for the more personal and family-related information means that this blog will feature less and less of DNA whining about school and family stuff, and more and more of DNA concentrating on sex, drugs, and rock and roll, with the occasional foray into politics, philosophy, and religion, too.
Stats class has been kicking DNA's ass all semester, so music will probably have to wait until closer to the end of the semester. It looks more and more like DNA's wife will be laid off soon, so lots of depressing things like scavenging for food, stealing to live, and attacking creditors with icicle knives (the perfect murder weapon) will probably take up the majority of DNA's time. [did you notice, that in the paragraph before, DNA said that having a new family blog will means less whining about school and family life problems in this blog, and then 'smack,' he donkey punches you right in the base of the skull with some school whining and family problems? That takes some gall and some balls] However, there is a happy-go-lucky song in DNA's heart, that is taking him back to his days in the Coolies, a little bit ska, a little bit weird and funky, that will likely happen soon. It's based on the tone, meter, and frequency emitted by the fire alarm mounted in the kitchen, which goes off every time a puff of smoke comes out of the stove or oven (or steam from the dishwasher, for that matter). If it doesn't come out soon, like a "Scanner" on a bad day, DNA's head will explode:D

So, back to the title: Where are a few of DNA's favorite things? Well, not having to manually back up a month's worth of stuff anymore on this new and improved website, that's one; not having to label everything "permanent historical record" blah blah blah, is another; being in contact with many friends, old and new, who are enjoying the revised website, is yet another; having independent spaces for family stuff, work stuff, and community stuff is rounding out the top 5; and still kicking out reasonably good songs, after a pretty trying several weeks, is the 5th (in no particular order) in this list of DNA's favorite things.
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