Saturday, April 25, 2009

Little Shop of Kicking ASS!

You recall that DNA is playing in the pit band for Little Shop Of Horrors, right. Of course. You have been waiting breathlessly for an update.

DNA has played two shows of the trifecta so far, and in spite of limited practice time, the pit band for the Little Shop Of Horrors production being put on by the local high school has performed admirably well. The kids in the play are terrific. Imagine you are sixteen years old, with way more interesting things to do than when you were actually sixteen years old, and you were in a play with 200 pages of music....a play which includes about 150 pages of dialogue, and takes about two hours to complete. That's a tall order to ask a teenager to take, and yet, they have done it well two nights in a row.

After the first show, DNA swapped CDs with Shane, our guitarist, who is in a straight up rock and roll band called Junkvine. Shane is good, you know, the way Eric Johnson is good. He's okay, the way Joe Satriani is okay. He is passable as a guitarist, the way Alex Lifeson is passable as a guitarist. In other words, he is technically masterful, and intuitively very, very, damned good. Jason is an excellent drummer, who has been running sound WHILE he has been playing the show, which is unbelievably difficult, and he's doing it with ease; and Dave, keyboardist, has been directing the music, cueing the kids onstage, cueing us, and playing the keys, his second instrument, (he prefers the sax) like he was born to it. And DNA? Grooving along the bottom of the musical river, digging every minute of it.

DNA is a self-serving bastard, like we all know, and he has enjoyed himself so much that he hopes to get these guys together again and play a show or two. DNA can not wait to see if a gig could be put together with these guys AND the Hand of God Attachment at the same time. Perhaps the event would produce a total eclipse of the sun, or some other more catastrophic concatenation of circumstance. DNA isn't trying to cut Mr. Kamikaze, AMiCO, or Carlito out of the picture, he just knows the likelihood of getting them all together at the same time is low. When you keep going back to the well, and the well is dry, sometimes it's time to dig a new well.

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