Friday, October 24, 2008

July, 2008

June is over. DNA feels like he is sleeping less and less, and spending more and more time fighting cats hand to hand, crying in his car, and talking to Jesus. Wow. That sounds pretty fucked up, now that DNA sees it in print. Perhaps professional help is required. Too bad the doctor is OUT. June saw the completion of several songs, and DNA's new record creeping to completion. Perhaps by this time next month, DNA will be singing a different tune!

Permanent Historical Record: 07/01/08

Important News!!!

In the last week or so, a local Carbondale girl, a person DNA has known since before she was born, Rosie, was mauled by a dog. She very nearly died, but has survived, and is doing very well. For those interested, please check out Reach Out To Rosie.

A recent article regarding her experience and her recovery is here.

The good folks and Thomas Publishing and the Carbondale Nightlife are also putting on a benefit concert for Rosie, at the Hangar 9 in Carbondale, IL, on Saturday, August 9th. Among the Carbondale music scene luminaries, it will be the honor of the DNA Vibrator and the Hand of God Attachment, and possibly, drum majorette, Taz, to play a few songs and express our love for Rosie and the Gordon family. We hope to see you there. DNA guarantees an unusual musical evening will be had, which will include laughing, crying, gnashing of teeth, funky dancing, children singing, computers, and maybe even robots.

Oh, DNA will probably end up with about 15 songs on the new record, one of which will be a little song for Rosie.

Permanent Historical Record: 07/09/08

Hard Work!!!

You may have noticed, that DNA is not posting as much, nor isn't nearly as funny as he used to be. Others have lamented this to DNA, but DNA says that it's all relative. When it comes to funny, when it comes to frequency, it just depends on your point of view. For example, this is the first internet. If this were the 30th or 40th internet, then you might have a basis for your argument about the incidence of funny or frequency of posts, depending on the behaviors of users of the previous internets. What if the last internet only published stories about slicing people's tongues with paper or getting poked in the eyes with razor blades? See? There is nothing funny about that, ever. What if the last internet only allowed 4 posts for your entire life (they generally were [for guys] 1. First boner story, 2. First time you touched a girl who wasn't related to you story, 3. How you could be the ruler of the universe if you just really wanted to, and 4. Is this all there is? Fuck)? Well, then, DNA has posted lifetimes worth of funny, funny, shit on the internet by those standards.

As DNA has said previously, school and work are really taking a toll on his internet time. But classes for the Ph.D. go well, and work has been hectic, but rewarding. In fact, the only aspect of DNA's life which is like a lodestone is this fucking blog....

Not really. DNA loves it too!

Although school and work have been hard, DNA has also been hard at work preparing for some songs he will play for the Rock out for Rosie benefit. He just finished a remake of "All I Want For Christmas Is A Whole Lotta Cash" which will definitely be on the new record once H.O.G. can work his magic on it. Also, DNA wrote a song just for Rosie, called "The Future Is Rosie," and will hopefully put the finishing touches on a song called "I Got What I Got [and I'm Gonna Get It On]" as well. H.O.G. seems up for the challenge of also doing "Whole Lotta Rosie" by AC/DC, and if we can sneak Spazz, jr. into the club, we'll do a song by the Gorillaz, too.

Like DNA said, Hard Work, but, worth it.

What if this is the 40th version of the internet and we just didn't know it?

Permanent Historical Record: 07/21/08

For the Thousands...

of you who have been checking out the blog and seeing nothing new, DNA apologizes. This little shining point of light in your otherwise obsidian void of a universe must seem like it's winking out, but it's not. Grad school is kicking DNA's ass, along with lots of other things he has complained about recently.

Tomorrow, if DNA can steal the time, he will post some of the new songs he has been working on, especially for the show on August 9th. You know, if you live in Oregon, it only takes 22 hours to drive to Carbondale. You could decide, on the morning of August 8th, that this was something that you shouldn't miss (you would be right). You could still make the show, and sleep for two hours, too! DNA is talking to YOU, Tony Stairway!

(Okay, his name isn't actually Tony Stairway, but he knows exactly who he is---how many other people have that nickname?)

So, if you live way closer than that, my Chicago friends, hop in your Corvettes or your Volvos and drive yourself down for a great time. Even if the DNA Vibrators suck, it would still be like climbing Everest on a cloudy day---shitty view, but worth the effort.

Permanent Historical Record: 07/22/08

New Stuff...

As DNA promised, here's the new song he's been working on (in case you missed it on the front page):

I Got What I Got

This is what happens when you listen to the Supersuckers a lot and you have a brother who really is like a tornado.

We will definitely be playing this song at the show on August 9th. The new DNA record will be coming out shortly after that. It will depend entirely on when the Hand Of God can come in a do some solo work. As you may have noticed on this recording, DNA's guitar solo is crap.

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